Sunday, December 10, 2006



At home, at our place. Well, my dear Jure, now it is for real. Handkerchief for tears, and here we go.
(Pssssssst: you can still change your mind.)

Arrival to the township yard. Journalists and cameramen were already there, a few curious glances, we could hear the whisper from here and there saying: "They really dare to do it."

First journalist encourages herself and came over. Her question was brave and not shy at all:"Which one of you is the bride and which one is a groom?" Aldo: "There is no bride or groom. We are merely partners." Journalist: "We only wanted to know which one of you has a whife role and which has a husband role?" Aldo: "This will remain a secret."

Registrar, Mr.Pavel Bukovac was waiting for us infront of the door, he asked if we want to exchange the wedding rings. We said yes, and gave him the rings, that wandered from a neat small box to his silver tray, he took the tray and entered the room where registaration was supposed to be. He invited us to follow.

(uh.. our legs just didn’t want to work properly)

Registrar first asked us, if there is any hindrance against this registration of same–sex partnership. After we said no, he read us definitions about our rights and duties from ZRIPS. (The Law of the registration of same-sex partnerships). Next was the question, to each of us – do we want to be registrated to one another in a same-sex partnership. After two times yes, he declared our same-sex partnership to be leagally valid.

Registrar invited us to exchange the rings, first Aldo. Aldo, like being in trance, took the ring from the silver tray, look in to Jure’s eyes and made a solemn vow:

"Jure, with this ring,which is the sign of love and commitment I accept you to be my partner in life, in good and bad. I promise, that I will do my best to keep our relationship happy."

With the same words, but more tension in his throat, Jure made the same solemn vow.

And then what???


A Kiss!

Anything else?

Of course there is no registration without a signature. Aldo first (Pssst... older have the privilege to be first …).

And than Jure. He wanted it, now he has it.

And right after the signiture (quietly, so microphones didn’t hear) we exchange a few sentences. What? Ah, let this be our secret, to you it is just a glance and is open for speculation (it was the same for journalists).

Indeed, there should be a classical photo of he newly-wedded (read like: newly-registrated) couple.

Yes, yes, have a look at the young and beautiful Jure. If someone is on diet, that doesn’t mean that he can’t check the menu. But this gingerbread heart is reserved for me only.

We made it. Now we are registered. We registrated a same-sex partnership.
Someone might ask: What was that good for? It might look to sweet for some. Someone might see it just like media circus. However, we know why we did it, we know that a lot of effort was put in to reach the goal, we are proud of our upright posture. After all, we did this because of our love to each other and that is of the utmost importance.


Rings on our fingers didn’t even warm up, when journalists came to interview us. The first was a gentle and courious journalist. Well, first we have to rub away our make-up, that melted like the wax on the sun, because of tears of happiness, and we were looking like Indian cowered with combat colors.

First in line were our friends. First best whishes and sincere congratulations were from our friends Mitja Blažič and Viki Kern, they are the first couple that registered same-sex partnership in public, in Ljubljana 14 days ago.

First Mitja.

then Viki

Let’s devote our attention to the press. First after-wedding interviw was to local cabel television, TV Krpan, journalist Božena Herek.

Finally, happy and proud, we left the head office, which was changed for this day in to a wedding room. We left it with a certificate of registered same-sex partnership, felt like wedding certificate.

Our friends Mitja and Viki were already waiting for us. “Oh, in all this confusion, we completely forgot about the rice. We should throw rice all over you” Mitja said. “It is not important, Mitja, we do not need the rice, because we are overwhelmed with stars of happiness and love.” Answered Aldo.

And journalists again. Congratulations! From whom? Oh, in all this confusion and plentifulness of journalists, photoreporters and cameramen, I entirely forgot from whom and from where congratulations are coming.

Congratulations also from chief of registry office in Laško, Mrs. Karmen Aleš, to whom I owe a great thanks for her support, self-sacrifice and unselfish help, and above all for humanity and that ceremony of registration went on the high level, solemn and with dignity, so we could leave the registry office with upright posture and with pride, just like we entered it.

We are back to journalists. This time there it is Barbara Majič, from TV show E+, channel A. She made a TV piece about the event in Laško.

There was also a journalist from Croatia RTL television, Ingrid Savarin, that was around all the time, from our arrival to the township yard to lunch in a Čater restaurant, where she interviewed us in a nice park nearby.

A real surprise was senior among cameramen. Only he knows what attracted him to be there.

Vinko Stopinšek, candidat for councillor was also there and it was not beneath his dignity to congratulate us for our upright attitude and courage, and he sincerely whished us a lot of happiness and love in our life path. He confirmed his whises with a strong handshake.

There is a saying that goes: All good comes to an end. Well, there really is almost an end of these picture impressions from registration, but our understanding and love will go on and on. That exactly was the reason why these pictures came into existence.We know that our love depends on ourselves. To those who are reading this and want to take the same road, we say, courageously forward. It all depends on you. Don’t let anybody take away such an enrichment of happiness and fulfilment of love from you.


In front of village restaurant Čater in Marija Gradec they were waiting for us with champagne and snacks. By all means we have to speak well of hearty and professional attitude of personnel.They really made an extraordinary effort to prepare a great wedding atmosphere.

Like this, two young couples proposed a toast, wishing love and happiness to each other. In our wishes, there were all of you that want to do the same, but have scruples because of others. Don’t have scruples. Couragiously and with your head up, stand in front of registrary and express your wish. Say like we did:

Today, dreams are allowed!

Don’t let anybody take them away from you!

After the wedding lunch, the owner of the restaurant Mrs. Marija Čater took off her apron and cooking chlothes, and honoured us with her presence, a handshake and sincere wishes for our life together.

Like it has to be on every real wedding, there should be a wedding cake. The wedding cake with flowers and two white doves was a complete surprise, brought by the daughter of the owner. You can only look at it. We ate it with pleasure.

Autumn, bestow upon us with its fruit, endowed our love and enriched it with a wonderful event. Love is a fruit of deepest primal feelings. Let’s share it!

Group photo

So, dear friends. Day when dreams were allowed is behind us. Today is a new day. It is full of new worries, work, obligations, hopes and wishes. We will try our best like we promised when we exchange the rings that every day will be enriched with happiness and fullfield with love.
And this is also a message for all of you, regardless to your race, color, nationality, belief, affiliation , or sex-orientation. We all want to be happy and loved. To love and to be loved. But it is not possible for all of us, if we are not tolerant to people around us. This is basis, foundation of democracy that we all strive for. This is appeal to politicianes and legislatores, to make it possible that we will attain that level in democracy also on the law field. Become a waypost and holders of democracy.

Thank you for taking your time to visit this page.Feel free to post your comment here, or write to this e-mail address: We’ll be happy over every opinion we’ll get. Visit our blog, we will refresh it with new articles, your e-mails, and publicisticcontributions. The path has only begun.


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